United Monolithic Semiconductors USA Inc
15 New England Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 781-791-5078
Fax: 781-791-5082
Cell: 978-807-0605
Philippe Labasse
E-Maill: labasse@us.ums-gaas.com
Web: www.ums-gaas.com
Design and manufacturer of custom and standard state of the art Low Noise Amplifiers and Medium Power Amplifiers for commercial, satcom, military and fiber optics from 50 KHz to 40 GHz
Amplitech Inc
155 Plant Avenue
Hauppaugue, NY 11788
Phone: 631-521-7831 Ext 213
Cell: 631-827-1269
Fax: 631-521-7871
John Pastore
E-Mail: jpastore@amplitechinc.com
Web: www.amplitechinc.com
World Leader in Space Communications Payload Units, Military, Airborne and Commercial Amplifiers, Receivers, Transmitters, Frequency Converters, PLDRO’s, DRO’s, Beacons, Down Converters and Up Converters, Receivers, Power Monitors, Central Power Supply Units
Lucix Corporation
3883 Villa Pescador
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-987-6645
Email for Space: LucixNBP@lucix.com
Email non Space: sales@lucix.com
Web: www.lucix.com
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